Tuesday, August 16, 2011

U.S. medical care an appropriate system. A vital perspective from systems science.

U.S. salubrity care is commonly referred to as a system that consumes an till doomsday increasing percentage of the gross domestic product while delivering falsely diminishing value and continuously eluding remedies. Such observations level to chronic fundamental systemic organizational misalignments. The firmness of this study was to examine the degree of compliance of U.S. form care with systems science principles, which estimated the framework of successful organizational settings found in biology; if followed, these guidelines should optimize societal condition care.
The course state of health care represents a structural and working outcome of its historic contradictions with systems discipline principles, that is, a mismatch of vertical and supine hierarchies and the failure of components relationships, all resulting in well-to-do damage to the overall system's self organizing wit. In view of the changing dominant economic and state cycles, health care is visibly in the absence of and showing signs and symptoms that intimate that its survival is at risk. A search for an alternate lookout leading to a comprehensive solution seems principal. Einstein's comment that "no problem can be solved from the that having been said consciousness that created it" encourages this closer. 
Additional information. Relationship of systems science principles and US robustness care. Comparison of features between a complex way, mirrored in the human body, and health worry including corrective solutions. Healthcare is encountering primary challenges on key fronts when identified utterly systems science. Components: not all of mankind is included; most participating subsystems do not optimize the "with few exceptions," but maximize the "self" instead. 
Relationships: obtain but without solid, course-adjusting feedback loops; a divide exists among hierarchies, and fiscal legislative restrain is not systems derived; information transfer is not consistent and is heavily compartmentalized; complexity exists essentially in its disorganized form, expressing strong prevalency of chaos and a high degree of entropy.
A set consists of a large number of variable components affianced in ongoing relationships that are three-dimensional and multidirectional, fully dependent on feedback loops and the utilization of low-grade information transfer pathways. A system has a confines that delineates and protects the internal atmosphere from the external environment but also facilitates spirited system adaptation and mutual impact; these two functions are inseparable. The limits's dynamic properties are analogous to biologic semipermeability describing a discriminative exchange. A system, regardless how large, is an essential part of an even larger system and likewise contains multiple, smaller interrelated systems, known in this background as subsystems. Within space-time, systems bourgeoning through cycles.
A complex adaptive structure is an open system large enough to be adept of ongoing favorable adaptation of its internal act and structure to the external environment while respecting systems expertise principles. The best example of a complex adaptive organized whole that epitomizes systems science principles and their interrelationships with cycles in gala and structure is the human body. Its evolutionary suiting has been the result of ongoing system-to one side modulation to external demands and internal capabilities. Technique-compliant cycles oscillations express self-similarity and self-taste. Depending upon a system's temporal place within a dominant larger cycle, the product of a system's reactivity may vary dramatically.
For example, decisions made in congruence with a ruling cycle will likely result in sure and magnified outcomes, whereas those decisions that are incongruent or not in synch with the evolving sequence will likely have poor or pernicious outcomes. The recently developed dynamic systems sport imitate graphically demonstrates the expected variability and predictability of operating outcomes depending upon a system's non-clerical location, symbolized as a pendulum, within this dummy.
On the other leg up, if a system is functioning outside of this territory, that is, in the realm of chaos or growing entropy, it is failing. Relationships in a group are not static; they reflect the dynamic process of a practice's functioning and precede the formation of a system's structure. The types of relationships communicate to the phases of a system's space-time location within the active systems model. 
The evolution of systems into sound, pendulum-like oscillations requires system-enhancing attractors that expedite self-organization. Capra pointed out that the condition of an organism, for example, is characterized by a series of bifurcations corresponding to exceptional attractors and that at the edge of chaos.

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